Braid Network Inc. Apps

Braid: Money Pools 1.49
Braid is a new way to pool and pay with friends. Totally free.Moneybetween friends shouldn’t have fees. To get started: 🚀 starta pool📩 invite your group 💰 collect money 💳 spend together 🎉 Braidisdifferent • No need to mix group money and personal money. •Stoptracking receipts and settling up, start a pool instead. •Worksgreat for your shared house, group project, weekendadventures,subscriptions, phone bill, vacation fund and more.🔒Braid is adedicated, safe place for group money • Braid pools areprivate andsafe. • Manage the pool with as many people as youwant, setpermissions. • All payment and personal information isencryptedend-to-end. 💳 Each Pool Has Its Own Debit Card • Eachpool comeswith a free debit card, use it to spend group moneysecurely. • Addthe card to Apple Wallet or Google Pay forcontactless payments. •No credit check required to get the card.​​✨ Totally Free • Wedon’t take a percentage of your pool orcharge transaction fees. Youkeep 100% of what you collect. 🔔Automatic Reminders • Set it andforget it — reminders makecollecting easy and automated. • Trackwho has contributed. 👀Transparent Spending • See transactions foreveryone in your pool,and manage your money collaboratively. • Getnotifications whenmoney is added or spent. • No more: waiting toget paid back,spreadsheets, receipt tracking. Contact us anytimewith questionsat [email protected].